“Can you help me?”
That’s the question whose answer you probably want to know. The answer isn’t simple. Read on. … Continue reading“Can you help me?”
psychodynamic psychotherapy & psychoanalysis
That’s the question whose answer you probably want to know. The answer isn’t simple. Read on. … Continue reading“Can you help me?”
Meeting by phone, or online, is very different from meeting in person. Here are a few thoughts of mine about just how it can be different. … Continue readingThinking about remote sessions
A different way of thinking about the problems we face…. … Continue readingThe unconscious
How often should we meet? Most people prefer to meet once a week, but more frequent treatment often produces better results, more quickly. … Continue readingFrequency of treatment
Fear can be a teacher. Exploring what we fear, and how we respond to it, can be extraordinarily rewarding. … Continue readingFear
They’re two emotions we often mistake for one another, but they’re quite different. Envy, generally, is rooted in desire, while jealousy is rooted in fear. Each can be devastating though. … Continue readingEnvy and jealousy
What do you crave more – getting – the experience that comes the moment you get something you want – or having – the ongoing experience of possession? … Continue readingDesire
Many people think anger isn’t a “primary emotion,” that when we are angry, our anger serves to obscure our underlying fear, sadness, or other emotions. … Continue readingAnger
The words “I’m sorry” often mask what we really feel, what we really are saying. … Continue readingApologies
I tend to think of addiction not so much as an illness, or a disease, but rather, as a symptom, or even a solution, however imperfect and destructive, to a deep-seated pain. If you suffer from addiction, I’ll work with you not just to quit, but to understand the meaning of your addiction, the pain you use it to escape or avoid. … Continue readingAddiction